I must confess every year I look forward to seeing the Christmas adverts on TV. This was a bit more of a challenge being at uni this year and not actually having a TV (thank goodness for youtube). I am the ideal consumer and buy into the Christmas adverts so much, like the naive person that I am, so here are my favourites for this year:
5. Quite shockingly the John Lewis advert is only ranked fifth this year, shocking because the John Lewis adverts are usually my favourite and the one I most look forward to seeing. However I just wasn't feeling this years advert. I have to admit I have much preferred the previous adverts which really pull at your heart strings to this one which is meant to be funny. Anyway I know there are a lot of (perhaps less cynical) people who love this year's advert such as my sister who laughs every time it's shown.
4. Is the Coke advert, the story is so adorable and I love any advert that is about spreading Christmas cheer. I'm also a fan of the Very advert which is very similar but didn't quite make it into my top five.
3. A less classic advert which I love this year is the Amazon advert. This may seem a surprising choice since the advert is in no way relevant to Christmas and could really be shown at any time of year. But in light of the (slightly tragic) year we have had, I find the advert quite refreshing and heart warming and it really does give me a little bit of hope for the future.
2. A close second place is the lovely Marks and Spencers advert. What I love about the advert is that they have put a twist on the traditional story of Santa Claus. I really like how it's Mrs Claus who saves the day, something which I really relate to because I know in my family it's usually my mum who comes to the rescue at Christmas. I feel like mum's in general are often in the background unappreciated but we would be so lost without them, so for this reason the advert resonated with me.
1. Finally my favourite advert is of course Sainsbury's! I really like animated adverts, I think there is something about the animations which take me back to my childhood which for me is exactly what Christmas is about. Again, this is an advert which I think a lot of people can relate to; having a parent who works all of the time can be really difficult during the Christmas period and I just think the whole advert is absolutely heartwarming and I can't help but smile when I see it.
Christmas Wishes,
Maya x
Little Miss Organisation